


Dear Sir/Madame,

we hope that ‘Agora Group Responsibility Report 2018’ has enriched your knowledge about the impact, activities and commitment of our company.

We have create this Report using international standards set out by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standard) and the rules of accountability and transparency.

We would like to ask you about your expectations relating content of the report and the scope of disclosed data. This would be helpful for our future work.

We will be grateful for your help and answers. The survey is open till end of November 2019.

1 Please evaluate each parts of the report in terms of content (information and data) – Does the report cover of materiality aspects and are these aspects presented in a complete and clear manner?

Definitely yes
Rather yes
Neither yes nor no
Rather no
Definitely no
Our responsibility
Corporate governance
Human rights
Ethics and compilance
Responsibility towards clients and suppliers
Social impact
Environmental impact
Information about report

Suggestions or comments?

2 Please evaluate the on-line report. Does it present information in an accessible and user-friendly manner?

Definitely yes
Rather yes
Neither yes nor no
Rather no
Definitely no

Suggestions or comments?

3 What do you like the most about the ‘Agora Group Responsibility Report 2018’?

Suggestions or comments?

4 What in your opinion should be included in the ‘Agora Group Responsibility Report 2019’?

Suggestions or comments?
