

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) stanowią międzynarodowy wzorzec raportowania odpowiedzialnego biznesu i zrównoważonego rozwoju dla organizacji.

Poniżej znajduje się tabela ze wskaźnikami i odniesieniem do strony, na której znajduje się właściwy wskaźnik. Więcej o Standardzie GRI:

Category GRI Description Link
Information about company 102-1

Name of the organization

Information about company 102-2

Activities, brands, products, and services

Information about company 102-3

Location of headquarters

Information about company 102-4

Location of operations

Information about company 102-5

Ownership and legal form

Information about company 102-6

Markets served

Information about company 102-7

Scale of the organization

Workplace 102-8

Information on employees and other workers

Supply chain 102-9

Supply chain

Supply chain 102-10

Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain

Supply chain 102-11

Precautionary Principle or approach

Information about company 102-12

External initiatives

Information about company 102-13

Membership of associations

Management and strategy 102-14

Statement from senior decision-maker

Management and strategy 102-15

Key impacts, risks, and opportunities

Category GRI Description Link
Ethics and compilance 102-16

Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior

Ethics and compilance 102-17

Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics

Corporate governance 102-18

Governance structure

Corporate governance 102-22

Composition of the highest governance body and its committees

Corporate governance 102-23

Chair of the highest governance body

Corporate governance 102-24

Nominating and selecting the highest governance body

Corporate governance 102-25

Conflicts of interest

Corporate governance 102-26

Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values, and strategy

Corporate governance 102-29

Identifying and managing economic, environmental, and social impacts

Corporate governance 102-30

Effectiveness of risk management processes

Corporate governance 102-32

Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting

Category GRI Description Link
Reporting 103-1

Explanation of the material topic and its boundary

Management 103-1

Explanation of the material topic and its boundary

Management 103-2

The management approach and its components

Management 103-3

Evaluation of the management approach

Category GRI Description Link
Economic performance 201-1

Direct economic value generated and distributed

Indirect economic impacts 203-1

Infrastructure investments and services supported

Indirect economic impacts 203-2

Significant indirect economic impacts

Category GRI Description Link
Anti-competitive behavior 206-1

Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices

Category GRI Description Link
Materials 301-1

Materials used by weight or volume

Materials 301-2

Recycled input materials used

Materials 301-3

Reclaimed products and their packaging materials

Energy 302-1

Energy consumption within the organization

Energy 302-4

Reduction of energy consumption

Water 303-3

Interactions with water as a shared resource

Water 303-4

Water and Effluents

Water 303-5

Water consumption

Emissions 305-5

Reduction of GHG emissions

Effluents and waste 306-2

Waste by type and disposal method

Environmental compliance 307-1

Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations

Category GRI Description Link
Employment 401-1

New employee hires and employee turnover

Employment 401-2

Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part- time employees

Employment 401-3

Parental leave

Occupational health and safety 403-2

Occupational health and safety management system

Occupational health and safety 403-3

Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation

Occupational health and safety 403-4

Occupational health services

Occupational health and safety 403-5

Employee participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety

Occupational health and safety 403-6

Employee training on occupational health and safety

Training and education 404-1

Promotion of worker health

Training and education 404-3

Average hours of training per year per employee

Diversity and equal opportunity 405-1

Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews

Diversity and equal opportunity 405-2

Diversity of governance bodies and employees

Category GRI Description Link
Non-discrimination 406-1

Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken

Non-discrimination 412-2

Employee training on human rights policies or procedures

Category GRI Description Link
Customer health and safety 416-2

Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services

Marketing and labeling 417-2

Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling

Marketing and labeling 417-3

Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications

Customer privacy 418-1

Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data

Compliance 419-1

Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area

Socioeconomic compliance 419-1

Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area

Category GRI Description Link
General disclosures 101

Foundation of reporting

General disclosures 102-45

Entities included in the consolidated financial statements

General disclosures 102-46

Defining report content and topic Boundaries

General disclosures 102-47

List of material topics

General disclosures 102-48

Restatements of information

General disclosures 102-49

Changes in reporting

General disclosures 102-50

Reporting period

General disclosures 102-51

Date of most recent report

General disclosures 102-52

Reporting cycle 

General disclosures 102-53

Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards

General disclosures 102-54

Deklaracja zgodności ze Standardem GRI

General disclosures 102-55

GRI content index

General disclosures 102-56

External assurance
